Arbitration Court Structure 2018-06-14T18:22:10+00:00



The Presidency of the Arbitration Court at the Bulgarian Economic Chamber shall have three members: a Chairman of the Arbitration Court, a Deputy-Chairman of the Arbitration Court and one Member. The Presidency shall have a term of five years.

Chairman of the Arbitration Court

The Chairman of the Arbitration Court shall have the powers to represent the Court in the Republic of Bulgartia and abroad, to convene the sessions of the Presidency of the Arbitration Court and of the Arbitration College, to report on the activities of the Court and to fulfill the decisions of the Presidency.

Elisaveta Vukovska is the Chairman of the Arbitration Court at the moment.


The enrolment and striking off the list of arbitrators shall be carried out by a decision of the Presidency of the Arbitration Court for a term of five years.

A list for disputes between parties having domicile or seat in the Republic of Bulgaria (domestic disputes) is prepared separately from the list for disputes between parties where at least one of them has domiciled or seat abroad (international disputes).

In order to be enrolled as an arbitrator the respective physical person must meet the following requirements: to be of age, to be capable, to have no convictions for intentional crime of general character, to have higher education in law, to have at least 8 years of legal experience, to possess high moral and ethical qualities. Non-Bulgarian citizens may be arbitrators too.

The Arbitration Court resolves the disputes brought to it by an arbitral tribunal consisting of one arbitrator.

The arbitrator in any dispute fills up and signs an affidavit of impartiality and independence which is sent to the parties to the arbitration case.

Arbitration College

The Arbitration College consists of all arbitrators and has the following powers:

  • takes decisions on organisational issues related to the Arbitration Court;
  • discusses annually the report of the Chairman of the Arbitration Court for the past year and takes decision on it;
  • discusses the practice of the Arbitration Court on application of legislation for domestic and international disputes with the purpose of its unification. The decision of the Arbitration College regarding those issues are obligatory to all arbitrators if they are adopted by a majority of more than the half of the arbitrators included in the list of arbitrators.


The secretaries of the Arbitration Court must have higher education in law. The secretaries for the international cases shall have a fair written and spoken command at least in English and possibly in another European language. The secretaries keep the files of the cases and the correspondence of the Arbitration Court and perform those activities which they are obliged to perform according to the Rules.